Data Collection with Graphing Calculators

Data acquisition using sensors and probeshas a growing importance in teaching sciences. The sensors and probes have an exceptional pedagogical value, as they allow the laws of science to be discovered by the students, which allows for a better learning and also students show more interest in the subjects taught.

In this context the graphing calculator is a very interesting option as its cost is limited and doesn't force the school to buy computer equipment to the lab and also universal as high school students already have graphing calculators.

This workshop is meant for Math and Science teachers from either middle grades or high school. Throughout it we'll explore the potential of the Texas Instruments graphing calculators as a data analysis tool together with the CBL 2™ interface and the CBR 2™ motion detector.

This course is made of 6 sessions of 3 hours each and 2 sessions of 3h30 hours.


  • An introduction to data acquisition systems based on TI's graphing calculators; Overview of CBL 2, CBR 2 and Vernier's sensors; Overview of data collection App Easy Data™
  • Automatic sensor detection; Data collection setup; Study of Newton's law of cooling.
  • Data collection with data entry by the user; Proof of Boyle's law; Finding the magnetic North;
  • Special modes for photogates and motion detectors; Calculation of the acceleration of gravity (two different experiments).
  • Data collection with multiple sensors and advanced setup (triggering); Determining the speed of sound and Newton's 2nd and 3rd laws
  • Development of projects by the particpants.

Remark: The mentioned activities were selected for their simplicity. They require very little aditional materials and setup. Depending on participants profile the suggested activities can be changed as to fit their needs.

How to attend?

Usually I perform training courses only in Portugal. If, however, you'd like to have this course at your school, even in a foreign country, have your school contact me to see if it can be arranged.