Welcome to my webpage!
This page was built to promote the training courses for teachers and students that I organize, as well as to list the resources I've created for TI-Nspire.
The section Training Courses is where you can read about the contents of the training courses I conduct, as well as information about how to participate on them.
The section TI-Nspire™ Resources is where I release all the programs and activities I develop for TI-Nspire, including a Tips&tricks page, where I list the techniques developed to make things work. All my programs are released here, although they may be available elsewhere.
See below some of the articles I consider the most relevant.

3d Lines
3D Lines is a document that allows plotting up to 3 parametric curves in 3 dimensional space. It also allows rotation and graph trace.

Chinese translation of some documents
Thanks to Tien-To Yang, some of the files available on the site are now translated into Chinese (Traditional).
The full list of translated documents is: Periodic table, Chemistry library, 3D molecule viewer (only inorganic molecules set), Dice roll simulator, Buffon's needle simulator, Galton machine simulator, Monte Carlo simulator activity, Radioactive decay activity, Net force activity, Fractions activity.

New version of Nspir3D
Nspir3D is now available also in German! (translated by Wolfgang Proepper)
Also, a bug was fixed in all versions that made some commands cause unexpected errors.

Periodic Table in Spanish
The Periodic Table is now available in Spanish (thanks to Ricardo Moreno).
With this new version the Periodic Table is now available in 5 languages: Portuguese, English, French, Spanish and German.

Mirror versions of Nspir3D
An update for the Nspir3D program is available. There are now two different versions, one left-handed and one right-handed (the Oz axis of each one point in opposite directions.
All remaining functionality remains unchanged.